Thursday, August 27, 2009

Protect Yourself! FTC's Identity Theft Program

So recently, I had an inquiry of how to protect yourself against identity theft. Many of us don't take the necessary precautions and innately trust others with very sensitive and private information, which can cause years of heartache, money and time. Often, we do innocent things such as set our purse or laptop down while we speak to someone or get something. I had an embarrassing moment recently at a Financial Readiness Event in Texas. I was helping with registration and set my purse close by on a table. I kept glancing over my shoulder to keep an eye on it while I spoke with John Sileo, the Identity Theft expert. At one point in our conversation, several soldiers penetrated the table to where I couldn't see my purse anymore. I quickly excused myself to retrieve it and then it hit me....I HAD JUST LEFT MY PURSE AND WALKED AWAY WHILE TALKING WITH A NATIONALLY RENOWNED IDENTITY THEFT SPEAKER! Brilliant, I know!

Innocent acts such as this, even for a split second, can create years of heartache. Most people don't know this, but the #1 perpetrator of identity theft are family members or close friends (i.e. roommates or business partners). You never know what is happening in another person's life and what desperate measures they may take to steal your identity and everything you own....without you evening knowing!!

So, my recommendations....Check out the FTC's identity theft website! It's chalk full of great information. You need to know the basics of how to protect yourself! Also, John Sileo has a some great stories and ideas of how to take preventative measures against this threat. One tip he gives as an example is, do you know the #1 place that laptops are taken? Hotel conferences. So lock it up on your room right? Well that's the #2 spot!

Be aware! You can never be too careful, especially since the largest identity theft ring was just taken down last week!

1 comment:

Nikki Bullock Olave said...

I like this!! Also, the Fed. Chief's identity was just stolen! His wife's purse was taken in DC. Her social security card was in it. Not even the US top financial guru is immune.

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