Monday, February 23, 2009

Sileo, John Sileo....ID Theft Expert

So lately I've been traveling like crazy heading to Financial Roadshows at Military Installations. At these events, we have a number of keynote speakers as well as presentations. One of my favorites is John Sileo; he's an Identity Theft expert....mostly due to the fact that his identity has been stolen twice! He is lively, fun and entertaining, but most importantly, he's got some great tips on protecting yourself from Identity Theft. For a taste of what he suggests, I provide the following. For more great information, go to his website or read his blog. The following tips come from his article "The First 8 Steps to Bulletproof Your Identity" on his blog.


  1. Opt out of financial junk mail by registering at

  2. Shred any paper documents that would go in the trash with a durable and safe confetti shredder.

  3. Track your credit report 3 times per year for FREE at

  4. Monitor your identity with the right online identity surveillance service.

  5. Lock your identity documents in a bolted-down, fire-resistant document safe.

  6. Freeze your credit with Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

  7. Protect your computer with security software, a firewall, encryption and strong passwords.

  8. For further details, consult your copy of Stolen Lives:Identity Theft Prevention Made Simple.

1 comment:

dlriley said...

I love shredding stuff. You can use it for compost in your garden too. Good things to know. Thanks Mary

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