Friday, July 10, 2009

Money Talks!

My 3 favorite things to talk about are 1) Money 2) Politics 3) Religion. I've quickly come to the realization that I'm a lone ranger, hence the reason for the lack of dinner invitations! ;) But I also realize that money is something that we can't ignore and not discuss. It's not going to go away, even if we do decide to stick our heads in the sand and pretend everything will be okay.

So how do you start talking about money? First, realize that it's not a taboo. Just like Sex in the City has made talking about sex acceptable, it's about time we start talking about money. One of my favorite places to start a discussion about money online is at Geezeo. Check out the confession booth, question and answer area and jump into talking about money.

1 comment:

Steve Repak said...

I know that married couples fight about 3 things. Money, sex and children. As a financial planner I only cane help them with the money aspect.

The Millennial Financial Coach Team

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